Ola, Uber and Rapido ban news best 2023

Ola, Uber and Rapido

The Transport Department of Delhi has issued a notice which clearly states that bike taxis should be banned with immediate effect. continue, they will be fined

Ola, Uber bike taxis have been banned in Delhi due to this. Government notice indicates that using any personal vehicles for any work or as a taxi or as a carrier violates the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. Is

Ola, Uber and Rapido ban news best 2023
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This step of the Delhi government has come after the Supreme Court stopped the rapido services in Maharashtra.
Delhi government has decided that Ola, Uber influence cab aggregators now and it is very popular in cities. Delhi government has said that we have received information from Delhi transport department that people with unregistered numbers are taking passengers. Two-wheelers being used as taxis or as conveyances that this government notice indicates

what provisions

The government says in simple language that using any personal vehicle as commercial taxis is a direct violation of the Motor Vehicles Rules 1988. Due to this action of the government, many customers will see trouble because in case of big taxi fare Charges a lot of money due to which Ola,bike was proving to be economical for taxi or transportation and it was also a first choice of customers.

Though some apps are still offering bike taxi service but cab aggregators are yet to respond

Ola, Uber and Rapido ban news best 2023
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The Delhi government seems to be cautious in the incident, the Delhi Transport Department has clearly stated in the notice that this ban on bike taxis will come into force with immediate effect and the government has also issued a notice saying that if Ola, Uber and Rapid Riders Delhi I still give my service and continue my taxi service then a fine of ₹ 5000 will be charged and even after this the riders do not obey and the same offense is committed for the second time or after that then the riders will be fined ₹ 10000 will go and will also go to jail

If The India Express is to be believed then the Delhi Traffic Police Department is already checking the bikes belonging to Ola, Rapido
And was engaged in its investigation. If even after this ban, riders are seen driving bike taxis, then their license will be suspended for 3 years and the driver will also be imprisoned.

Ola, Uber and Rapido ban news best 2023
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This is a big move by the Delhi government when rapido services have been banned in Maharashtra by the Supreme Court because the major problem with two wheeler taxi services is that there is no proper arrangement for emergency buttons and also There is also a threat to the safety of women passengers.

Yes, but as of now, Ola have an option to book a bike in Delhi, which will be updated and removed and modified with the instructions given by the Delhi government. An official told The Indian Express that there is no such provision Not because as per current rule taxi service is only where there is one driver and more than one passenger under which only four wheelers are auto rickshaws and e rickshaws and the law does not allow bike taxis also government has to operate cab services To do this,

some rules and laws should be made and there should also be a registered on the vehicles so that it can be identified that it is a transport vehicle.The biggest danger is regarding women’s safety because there are no big rules regarding bike taxi.

Although Ola, Uber, and Repido have not yet given any statement on this rule of Delhi Government.

Ola, Uber and Rapido ban news best 2023
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